Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas...then relaxation

After the Christmas stress, mom took the girls to the zermatt spa in midway for the weekend. I am too relaxed to post pics today of our holiday so stay tuned and have a happy new years eve! be good.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Due to the huge belly and lack of energy to wait in line at the busy post office, our Christmas card this year is an e-card...or shall i say blog-card. I figure you can wait in anticipation by your mail boxes come January or Febuary sometime for a baby announcement...which is much more fun than a boring ol family picture anyways. So stay tuned.

This weekend Tyson is off to Seattle so Owen and I are headin down south (to mapleton that is) to spend a little QT with mom while Dad is at the Vegas Bowl. Whats up with all these boys trips? Upon their arrival back home, we will be spending much time at holiday parties (where Owen seems to finds everything & anything to distroy and....well, does successfully). Bring on the holidays! I hope you all have a good and safe one!!

Friday, December 14, 2007


I realize i haven't done many "belly shots" and i am OK with that. In fact, i feel silly asking the hubbie or the 2 year old to "take a picture of me and my belly....and be sure to get me in the shot honey". Although, I had a conversation with my talented sister Haley (the almighty photographer) about doing a little private photo shoot of me and my belly. I am still trying to think if that is relevant or not. Until i decide, you get to see another view. Besides the fact that my belly is protruding over my skirt, i want to give a shout out to Leggings!
Leggings- oh how i love thee. Let me count the ways. First, you keep my legs warm in the wintertime. 2, you look fabulous and fun with any kind of skirt. and 3, You are comfy and stretchable and don't make indents into my ever stretching skin like jeans do. Leggings, you are a definate favorite of mine.

ANother thing to celebrate besides leggings, is the fact that finals are over. I actually have 1 more tomorrow morning. Its a yoga final. I will study all about primary serious and sun salutations tonight...but im not too worried. Today Owen and i celebrated the fact that i can finally stay home again and entertain him all day. Although this was our conversation this morning.
Owen- "Grandma comes to pick up Owie and we go to her house. and Mommy goes to school."
Me- "Nope, im done with school and i get to stay home and play with you."
Owen- "No, grandma comes to pick up Owie."
Me- sigh- my child likes his grandparents better than his mom. "No, ill stay home and we will do fun things ok?"
Owen- "like go see the lions and eat candy canes?"
Me- "sure sweetie."

So...that is what we did. We took a trip to the bean museum and made about 4 rounds throughout the entire place, picked up a candy cane on the way home, watch the little mermaid, made a spinach smoothie (his favorite...and i even added carrots this time) and built a castle with blocks.
Its good to be home in my leggings.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

3 finals down...2 to go. Then this will be me on the tube screeching with joy!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends.Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE!!! 'Tis the Season to be NICE!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bag? wrapping for sure!
2. Real tree or artificial? Real, although this year our tree was free so we went fake...ill have to break out the pine sented candle.
3. When do you put up your tree? Around Thanksgiving
4. When do you take down your tree? About New Years.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, but i might have to skip it this year however...doesn't sound so good being preggo.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Black boots from Delia's i wanted SO bad.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? NO, sad.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Dad and father in law..they have everything!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Sister...she has the same taste as me, so i practically buy something for myself and give it to her.
10. Worst Christmas gift you've ever received? I LOVE my husband but he has a weak shopping effort and i have to honest... Last year my stocking was stuffed with toys a 3 year old would have loved. Love you hun.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, although this year i will be emailing...i know, lame.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf, Family Stone or the Holiday.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The day after Christmas...all year round
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? You betcha...very carefully.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Breakfast foods
16. White or colored lights? Im a big fan of the old fashioned, originally Christmas lights. the fat colorful bulbs.
17. Favorite Christmas song? I can't pick a favorite..i love them all
18. Traveling for Christmas or stay home? Staying home...fam is all here
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? you bet but i won't waste your time.
20. Angel or Star on top of tree? Star
21. Open presents Christmas Eve or Morning? Both!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Having no Mula and being fat and uncomfortable
23. Favorite Holiday Traditions? Eating all the yummy food, being with family, reading Christmas stories, new Pj's and visiting our old cute neighbor Roland.
24. What I love most about Christmas? Spending time with my family, relaxing and being grateful for all we have!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Owen got a new do that came with a new attitude.
Personally, i am a big fan of hair but Tyson has been buggin me for months to buzz his head and since i have been feeling a tiny bit bad about my pregnancy ornery-ness, i let him do what he wanted. Here are the results. Still a pretty cute kid i think.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

throwin in the towel

As finals approach, i must take a little blog break....and fill my mind with school stuff. Be back soon.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A good day

We were so happy to wake up to snow...Owen ran right over to the window this morning. In fact, i think he thought it was Christmas because he started opening presents under the tree. Opps. We wasted NO time making a snowman and playing in the snow today. It was good day!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Nothing is better than cuddling up by a warm fire (or space heater in our case) while sipping hot cocoa and watching a good ol family flick. Here are a few of my holiday favorites!

I am dying to name a little boy Jude simply because Jude Law is delicious in this movie.

A really funny cast!

A little romance.

My recent flick i saw...if you like the "Michael Scott", you will like Dan. Its a cute/funny one!

Friday, November 23, 2007

killin time

Thanksgiving day we were so bored and hungary before dinner.... We had to get out of the house before we ate each other, so we walked around the temple. Enjoy

Monday, November 19, 2007


So just for fun i decided to play my "nutrition in the working" card and look up thanksgiving dinner calories. (WARNING: you may NOT want to read this if you are planning on "letting go" on the big day). So here it it and weap, or read it and be grateful i was so informative to all my blog readers!!

6 oz. Turkey- 340 calories
1/2 cup stuffing- 180 calories
1/2 cup mashed- 150 calories
1/2 cup gravy- 150 calories
1/2 cup green bean cassorole- 225 calories
1/2 cup yams- 150 calories
1/2 cup cranberry sauce- 180 calories
1 dinner roll- 110 calories
pat of butter- 45
I piece of pumkin pie (1/8 of pie)- 180 calories
1 piece of apple pie- 410 calories
1 piece of peacan pie- 480 calories
1 cup of cider or sparkling grape juice- 120 calories

Total- 2730 calories
Equivilant to walking 27.3 miles

Bon Appetite!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monkey see Monkey do

I signed Owen up for a tumbling/gym class since i have been a horrible mother and spend WAY too much time doing school stuff...i thought this would be fun for us to do. And boy is it ever!!

His first day was yesterday and he LOVED it. He laughed away the whole class. The teacher has them do summersaults, cartwheels, jumping exercises...and the cutest thing is the stretching before and after class. SO CUTE!
Just hangin' like a monkey.

Here Owen is twrilling his orange ribbon with his buddies.
He talks about "gym" all day long. (Tyson would like me to call it "gym" class because he says gymnastics or tumbling sounds girly...although there are more boys in the class than girls).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wall O Pics

I LovE tHis wAll. Lots of pics and more to add to it someday.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekend bulletin

What is going on with us this weekend you ask...
for starters, i made the cutest baby sling at my wards, "fantastic friday". aka- super saturday. I can't wait to hawl around little one #2 in my sylish sling.

Secondly, Tyson has a new nickname...well i wouldn't say its new...just not used enough. Grizwald has started putting up Christmas lights and i don't think of inch of our yard insn't covered with something that lights up. He waited until the day after halloween, (way to go hun).

Third, we said goodbye to mom and dad who are off to Gautemala for the week to do some service and help out the city. I am jealous and wanted to sneak in their suitcase.

Fourth, Tyson and I finally agreed on a boy name. We have a girl name set but i betting this baby is another boy so we are prepared now. The preview to come in January.
Hope your weekend was as great as ours! And feel free to take a drive by our house *unless it burns down from the lights* in the next few days to check out Tysons masterpeice. happy holidays?

Friday, November 9, 2007

eat your words

Here you go you can eat your words...i DO in DEED have a BELLY! I just do a great job of hiding it in pictures. About 11 weeks to go..and more growing to do!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fall Walks...

Sometimes the best medicine is nice crisp fall air. We have been taking many walks while we can... and of course we can't go on any of them without Owen's beloved moon boots.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Check me out HERE today!

I am honored!

tHanK yOu niE!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Haunting!
Love- Black Cat and Ninja Boy.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Husband is out of town and here is what i have on my plate-

1- a 2 year old (that i LOVE)
2- a baby that kicks my bladder 20 bagillion times a day (that i LOVE)
3- a 10 page research paper due
4- a test in womens health
5- a test in medical terminology
6- a holiday that consists of a late night + sugar + scary costumes = most likely a sleepless night
7- a messy laundry room that needs tile, carpet and well....TLC.
8- a busy week minus the gym...unless any of you kind soals would like to babysit? :)
9- a thursday of watching "the office'' by my lonesome
10- a week of possibly no blogging. Sorry.

Note- Husband is off working hard in LA and i must face my motherly duties.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

On my mind

How in love are you with this picture...let alone, the couple?! Well i am proud to say, these are my parents. I have been thinking much about parenting lately and skills i have learned through example and through school. I am so happy and blessed to have good parents who taught me good things. In my psychology class today we talked about parenting and how much impact they have on their kids and their kids and so on...If i can learn ONE thing in my lifetime, i hope it is how be like my mom and dad.....a great parent to my children.

P.S. If you havent read the book "tuesdays with Morrie" you must. I read it for a class and fell in love with all the life lessons.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A few for fun...

Thanks for my wonderful sister, we got some great pics. Happy fall.

Friday, October 19, 2007

feeling HUGE

So, i am in need of some positive re-enforcement. While at the gym yesterday i saw this cute little pregnant girl who from behind you couldn't tell she was pregnant. I am guessing she was about 6 or 7 months. ALL BELLY. I left depressed, as i am NOT ALL BELLY. 2nd time around my hips got wider, waist got thicker, butt feels larger and yes there is definately a belly there as well. I feel much different this time around. I spend many hours in the gym each week, eat very healthy (besides a few treat splurges once a while) and still don't feel like a "glowing pregnant woman". Who else felt this way with the 2nd? Its crazy. HEnce, the NO picture blog. Maybe next time.....

Sunday, October 14, 2007


O-man is the big 2 today. We celebrated this weekend which seemed like endless activities!
Pumpkin land (part 2), Bean museum to see the animals, book store to pick out new book, pizza buffet and the party. HOly Cow.....

Here you see the "bug" cake that Owen specifically asked for. "what do you want on your birthday cake" asked mom. "Bugs!" responds Owen.

Mr. tough guy with his birthday cake. The conversation was like this during the picture above, "Don't poke at your bug cake, you have to wait until your party starts and blow out your candles". Owen pouts and i take a picture.

Skinny me (Oh HeaVens!) and Owen biting into something filled with sugar.

His favorite gift- Moon Boots. He sleeps, eats, and play in these bad boys.

Cute cousins; Will (injured as always and also Owens prodigy), Cole and O.

ANd don't think the party ended saturday went well into the next day when he had to eat pancakes for breakfast with a candle in them to blow out. Once again, Happy birthday Owen!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

So thanks for all the advice with my little monster. I promise he isn't out of control...just a little energetic at night time. Maybe its because Owen and I share a little bowl of cereal before bed and he eats all the marshmallows out of my marshmallow maties! Speaking of, i made caramel apples the other night and of course Owen licked the caramel off and ditched the apple part. Which brings me to my next question....
HOw do you get your kiddies to eat healthy foods? He won't eat anything! Veggies are out of the question, fruit on a occasion, noodles...heck no. what to do?

Monday, October 8, 2007

A journey...

TO PuMpKiN lAnD...

This weekend we braved the rain and headed to pumkin land. Cutest place! OWen and his cousin Xander had the best of times! They are great buddies!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


So i have 2 goals before baby #2 gets here...

1- Get Owen to sleep at a decent hour in HIS OWN bed and to STAY in his bed all night long.
2- Potty training (big sigh)

SO i need advice. How many of your 2 year olds out there are on a regular sleep pattern? Are we completely weak parents? Here is the backround.... Little stinker is bouncing off the walls until... mmmmm 10pm. Finally he mellows out, which is then followed by 1 hour AT LEAST of trying to get him to GO TO SLEEP. We rock, lay with him, read stories, name it. 1 hour!!!
PS. This event also occurs at nap time EVERYDAY. (and to those who may say he might be done with the whole nap thing...TOO bad. That time is my saving grace so im not ready for him to be done).
Needless to say, i am not going to be entertaining a newborn and a 2 year old at 4am. HELP, i need advice!

2nd-ly, any potty training Do's and Dont's would be much appreciated. We haven't yet tackled this but needs to be done in 3 months!

I trust let me have it...

Monday, October 1, 2007


Owen is growing up before my eyes. He got a crown yesterday in nursery and wanted to wear it all day and insisted we take a picture of him. Yes, thats right he LOVES the camera. What a stud...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Arrival Home Today

Upon my arrival home from a long, hard day at school today i found the following...

My Sweet mother had picked all the "still good" stuff out of our garden. I then found 3 stragically placed bowls in my kitchen each with a little label on top full of fresh boiled veggies from that garden. (and when i say fresh from the garden, i mean fresh from the garden). SO i did indeed scarf down beets, squash and green beans in record time. (You are welcome... little growing baby in my belly). ...and thank you sweet mother!

2nd i found my sweet father working ever so dilegently wiring, fixing, shoving and swithing. He is our master electrician working on our little addition (My SO needed laundry-mud room). As i sat and ate my bowl of veggies and watched sweat roll from his brow.... i thought, i am one lucky girl to have the parents i do. Thank you sweet father.

3rd i found these fellas...looking at me with their bright smiles welcoming me to fall time. Thank you sweet halloween fellas.

Oh and did i mention....i came home and found this little guy... sound asleep.

Now i am off to "pump" class at the gym. After a day like today, gotta get those endorphins jumping.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Like Father like Son

No, you are not seeing double, you are seeing twins. I LOVE my boys. Between writing papers, reading my "human development" text book and trying to cram for a quiz, i am booked today. I am such a school nerd and i enjoy that. Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

a SHOUT out

Hey all you single ladies out there....I have the perfect fella for you. I introduce to you UNCLE TYLER.

Tyler would make a great mate for a few reasons...
He is SUPER with kids. As you can see Owen LUUUUVES him.
He is attending BYU and wants to go into Law.
He works at a golf course, therefore he likes the outdoors.
He is cuddly and very sweet.
He is from Seattle and is a family man
AND...He served a mission in equador and can speak beautiful spanish.
He won't last long ladies...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Its official

We are having a....


My ultrasound was today and i have never seen Tyson so anxious in my life. I am tortouring him by not finding out the sex of this baby. 4 more months people. Hang in there.
Ps. any guesses?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not the best picture, but as you can see water is up to the first step.

Salvaging what we could...

Helpers and a living room full of pictures.

On a happier note, Tyson and I celebrated our anniversary with a night out to the Ryan Shupe concert at Thanksgiving point!