Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekend bulletin

What is going on with us this weekend you ask...
for starters, i made the cutest baby sling at my wards, "fantastic friday". aka- super saturday. I can't wait to hawl around little one #2 in my sylish sling.

Secondly, Tyson has a new nickname...well i wouldn't say its new...just not used enough. Grizwald has started putting up Christmas lights and i don't think of inch of our yard insn't covered with something that lights up. He waited until the day after halloween, (way to go hun).

Third, we said goodbye to mom and dad who are off to Gautemala for the week to do some service and help out the city. I am jealous and wanted to sneak in their suitcase.

Fourth, Tyson and I finally agreed on a boy name. We have a girl name set but i betting this baby is another boy so we are prepared now. The preview to come in January.
Hope your weekend was as great as ours! And feel free to take a drive by our house *unless it burns down from the lights* in the next few days to check out Tysons masterpeice. happy holidays?


Mary and Ryan said...

Im excited to hear what name you picked!! I always let that stuff out of the bag early. I like how you are keeping everything a surprise! I cant wait to see the Christmas lights!!

Vanessa Jane said...

I want to make a baby sling! how did you do it?

M to the E to the R to the I said...

How fun! My husband is the same about the lights, but he wants nothing to do with them. He makes someone else come do it. Lame I know. I am sure we will be singing Winter Wonderland soon enough. The 15 year old he hired is coming over today. You look adorable, you are so funny that you think you are so huge. I'd take looking like you now, pregnant, than me, not.

Vanessa Jane said...

thanks for the info.

Barb said...

Good thinking with the Christmas lights! Its getting cold, and I wonder if we will ever get around to it. Congrats on picking out a name already. Hopefully I can pick one out for our future babies before they are born. Austin was nameless for a day or so cause we couldnt decide. Poor kid was labeled baby Catron the whole hospital stay.