Thursday, May 22, 2008

hello again...

Thanks for my cute, Long time friend Lindsey Cozzens (now Dumas)...who by the way is not only beautiful, but has 2 darling kids, is a super hard core workout chick and still as funny as ever...i have been re-introduced to"the Cherry". I used to eat things sweet little balls of fruit when i was little, but man have i missed them. Linds brought some over yesterday for us to snack on (since we are both trying to eat healthy) while our kiddos played and we re-united after way too long.

Cherries are not only a good way to wake up your taste buds, they are great antioxidants and an anti-inflammatory. They can reduce the risk of HeArT dIseAse and tYpe 2 dIaBetEs. Another perk is they help you "go" if you know what i mean.

Thanks Linds, for the natural laxative but mostly for our play date!

Ps. Just a reminder...Modbe party tonight at 6-8pm. Ive been doing extra sit-ups this morning to prepare.


RaEStoCo said...

I LOVE cherries!! The dried ones from the Big Red Barn are yummy too!

Gilly Funk said...

Yummy! It's almost that time of year again. I have great memories of eating cherries on the fourth of July.

The Dumas Family said...

You're too kind. That was way fun - we look forward to next week.

hayleyrowan said...

i love cherries too. i bought some two days ago and they were $6.99 per pound. yikes!

Mary and Ryan said...

You should be a saleswoman, I went and bought cherries after this post:)