Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Little Reg was blessed. It was a beautiful day, beautiful blessing and beautiful company.
More pics to follow....


Steph said...

what a SUPER CUTE little family you have!!! It's crazy that little owen is growing up and is now a big brother....i love it tho...and only 6 more days til i get to come see you....oh boy can't i wait!!!! I am SOO excited. Hope you don't mind a drop in....I want to see the little reggaroo! You look the peeps posts too!

Brent and Britta said...

I feel terrible that we couldn't be there! You look great by the way... can't wait to see you in person!!!

jeannie said...

POO I missed it. I should have called Lu and got your family agenda! Glad it was a beautiful day though! You guys are dang cute.

Kara said...

SO cute!!!!

Vanessa Jane said...

oh my cuteness! you have the most beautiful little family.

Meghan said...

Awww, congrats... love those blessing days... :)

Kass Martin said...

Thanks for leaving your email. You are for sure on the list. I love blessing days. There is something so sacred and special about blessing these sweet babies. I love it. You're family is darling and I love how in love your parents are. Coming from a divorced family I realize how awesome that is.

Tiffany Clay and London said...

Your little family is adorable!! and you LOOK AMAZING! hope i see you soon!


Have I told you how great you look, I can't wait to run again! And I can't wait to bless my baby, she may need to be born first don't ya think!

The Fab Fabian Life said...

Love the little family picture!