I realized i don't post much about what i actually do all day...or special events...so, here is the boring version of what this past month was about-
First off...WE GOT A BACKYARD..and A FENCE. SO now we can't see our neighbors havin a smoke and i can lock Owen out on the not so good days. (just teasin...im not as bad as a mother as you all may think).
Secondly, i planted my garden and now that it snowed, we shall see if anything comes up!
Then there was easter...which was a blast. We went to many an easter egg hunt and Owen got way too much sugar...that i have managed to scarf down.
Here is Owen with his cute cousin xander that he talks to daily on the phone- "hi xano, can i come to your house?" then xander starts talking pumpkins and ghost trains and they have a very confusing 2 year old conversation for 10 minutes.
Last but not least here, is my cute little Reggie-Roo. He is smiling up a storm and i dare say he is dang good baby..because we all know...time changes and they turn 2. Hes still quite the little guy and if he doesn't buck up soon, he will continually get beat up by the girls. Cousin Caitlyn is a tough chick...watch out reg.