1. Tyson played in a mesquite softball tournament so i slept over with mom and gained 20 lbs after making coconut, peppermint and orange cream homemade ice cream all weekend.
2. Dad accepted a job in New Mexico laying fiber-optic cable (boy do i sound smart) for a little while...so we get to hear about lots of cool tarantula and scorpion stories, along with stories about the towns he . Wow is all i can say.
3. The boys have been become obsessed with "3 ninjas" and wrestle ALL DAY LONG.
4. Tysons grandpa Gilbert passed away quickly and so the Mackays took a trip to Washington for the funeral and braved the "Blizzard of 2010". I know i know...they survived no worries. So....while he was gone, i kept the boys home to avoid annoying everyone to death in a 12 hr car ride and we chilled with Haley and her kiddos. Those babies are too cute right now. Owen is overly motherly to them. Its cute.
5. We saw "tangled" Thanksgiving weekend, had a wonderful dinner with Gma Patty's side, saw the festival of lights already, and got all my Christmas shopping done....
Yes folks, baby #3 is causing me grief already but will all be worth it right? June will be a good month in Vegas to have a baby right? Speaking of Vegas, we go soon to house hunt as we will be moving in January.
So forgive me if i have been missing lately...once i am over this yucky part of pregnancy...and moving, ill be much better.
Happy Holidays all!