Friday, October 23, 2009

So basically i cannot STAND for Golds Gym salesman (no offense :)),
however, at the same time, i need to renew my gym pass.
I hate running outside in the cold.
Spin class is my saving grace.
So as much as i HATE to do it..does anyone know of any good deals..
or have one they want to sell?


Barb said...

I dont go to Golds, but I got a 24 hr fitness gym pass from my hubby for Christmas last year. He got it through Costco and we only pay $12 a month. I thought that was a pretty good deal. Good luck with your search!

fREnCh TrOSt said...

I'm in the same membership ends this month & we have to renew. I just let Kevin deal with it cuz I hate talking to those guys too.

McGuire's said...

Sorry no help with the golds pass, but good job on another marathon! You are amazing Lindsey. You just keep going! Your boys are as cute as ever.

Leah said...

You're hilarious. I'm glad that you're dreaming about me. And yes, you will be invited over tons, but I hate to disappoint you or ruin your dream, but there will be no pool. Not yet at least. Maybe you should buy the lot next to us and dig that pool. Please.

Geoff's out of town this next week, want to hang out??

Peter & Darise said...

My friend Ashley found someone on KSL selling their contract and got a killer deal. I think she only pays $15. I would suggest if you do go in to Gold's, ask for Candy. She's a tiny little blonde and she's really sweet and gets people really good deals.

Good luck!

The Dumas Family said...

I've heard good things about Anytime Fitness. They have spin classes, they're everywhere and are cheaper than Anytime Fitness. I haven't gone in myself to check it out, but I'm just throwing it out there as a suggestion. Good luck!

The Dumas Family said...

I meant cheaper than Gold's. I must be tired or something ....

Lindsay said...

Could not agree more with you! I made the mistake of giving them my phone number and they would not stop calling me! Ugh... So annoying! and then I asked to speak to a manager and they said um well he/she is outta town. OK!!!!!! Whatever. Good luck with the renewal

Jen Bird said...

SAME BOAT GIRL!! My pass has been expired for a year and I am dying to get back to the gym! I just told Devin last night that all I want for Christmas is a gym pass!! I'm thinking about Anytime Fitness just because it's down the street!! ;) Good luck! And amen on the Gold's Gym Salesguy...the month my pass expired, I basically had to avoid him like the plague!