Thursday, April 17, 2008

A healthy you

Since i want to be a dietician someday, i thought once and awhile i should do a little health twist on my posts. It would help me keep learning about health and such and hopefully jump start ya'll out there to eat healthy-
So... i will start with the

8 FOOD YOU SHOULD EAT EVERYDAY- (thanks to msn health)

1-SPINACH- rich in omega 3's which helps prevent heart disease and stroke. It also helps build muscle.
hint- throw some spinach in a salad or in a fruit smoothie and you won't even know the difference.

2- Yogurt- helps boost immune system and fight off cancer.
I throw this is my smoothies too.

3- Tomatoes- Helps prevent all sorts of cancers (lung, prostate, skin and stomach)
hint- bright red are best and most nutritious

4- Carrots- enhances eye sight (not a myth), boosts immunity and fights cancer. Also, can reduce the risk of arthritis and asthma
hint- yet another thing i throw in a smoothie....or just eat with ranch.mmmm

5- Blueberries- good for your brain and your heart! Prevents cancer and helps prevent age related memory loss.
HInt- bet you can't guess...yes, i get these frozen adn throw them in my smoothie...also fresh ones are delicous on cereal or oatmeal

6- black beans (but i bet any bean will do. i actually LOVE soy beans)- these suckers help build muscle, stimulate the brain and are healthy for your heart.

7- walnuts or almonds- rich in omega 3's. essential fatty acids- (good fat). also fight cancer, build immunity and muscle.
hint- go to costco, buy a big bag of fresh ones (not sugar coated or cooked), and eat a handful a day for a snack. That is all you need.

8- oats- packed with soluble fiber which helps prevents heart disease. although its filled with carbs, but the release of the sugar is slowed by the fiber.
hint- eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and you are full for hours and cleaned out for the day (if you know what i mean).


Steph said...

love it love it love it ----- and i would also like to put a plug in for Avocados --- a great source of healthy fat, filling, and wonderful on salads (spinach), turkey bagel sandwiches, or just made into some delicious guacamole --- i learned you should eat 1 a day -- i am not there yet, but i LOVE AVOCADOS!!!!

Nikki Hansen said...

If I had the money, I would hire you to be my nutritionist and tell me exactly what I should eat for every meal. That I now you make great smoothies.

Brent and Britta said...

Did you know that spinach isn't really good for you until you cook it? When you cook it, it realeases all the good stuff... just a helpful healthy hint!

hayleyrowan said...

is that true about spinach? i've never heard that. if so i'm in trouble cause i eat it every day and never cook it.

Kyrsten said...

Makes me glad that I have been craving a lot of these foods during the pregnancy. Now I just need to start exercising again.
We like soy beans with a little salt for an alternative to pop corn during a movie. Pei Wei also has an appetizer of soy beans.

Anonymous said...

i love health tips. yes, you should post more of them.
any wieght loss secrets?

Tara said...

Thanks for the tips. I'm admittedly stupid when it comes to my dietary needs! :)


that is good info, now it only I liked healthy food. I like some but need to make myself enjoy more.

I am planning on running the marathon. I ran today for the first time, I am so out of shape, 30 minutes was all I could take, my breathing is way off. But I have until october, I am sure I will be ok. I hope at least, I am kinda sad I lost all my hard work over the years, I kind of feel like I am starting over really. Are you running it?

Jess Perry said...

I love this post...thanks so much for the great tips!

Vanessa Jane said...

so I highly agree with the healthy eating... my pops just had a lovely heart angiogram & it almost lead to heart bypass... so it kind of scared me for my future. the last few months i've done some major changes in our diet. and what a HUGE difference it's made. thanks for sharing.

Jen Bird said...

Crap...I was hoping somewhere in there you'd say chocolate. Looks like I'm way off! Thanks for the reminder..I need a healthy reality check!

Lance and Kara Ford Family said...

A dietician huh? You can be my dietician. I need one desprately! Thanks for the good food tips though. What all do you put in your smoothies? I need good ideas for smoothies.

Hayley Anderson Photography said...

I LOVE carrot juice and walnuts! I have both everyday. You probably already know this, but you can get 3 liters of carrot juice for around $6 at Costco. I've tried juicing them and it's a huge pain and ends up more expensive. Great post!

Meliss said...

Hey Linds! Thanks for checking out my blog! This is such a great post. I could use this info to look super smart in my nutrition class! haha
So have you thought about when you'll be back to good ol' UVU? Being a full-time mom of 2 kids AND going to school sounds totally easy. :)