In my current state right now i am breaking the rules...
Let me update you-
Yesterday i woke up, its a regular day and Owen and i wizzed through our daily activities. Built a snowman, watched the snowfall bury our snowman, cleaned up the house a bit, played a few card games and stayed warm inside. Something strange was happening however. It was 11am and i hadn't felt like eating breakfast yet. Not my usual feelings. I wake up craving my frosted mini wheats..but not today. 4:00 rolls around and i am feeling So dizzy, even laying down doesn't drown out the thumping of my heart rate...its fast. I remember my doc saying that when i feel dizzy to come on in and get my blood pressure tested-
I did- after all day of no appetite and light- headedness. I didn't want to face the snow covered stratus but Owen and i braved the snow and headed out.
to make a long story short-
my blood pressure was exremely high which put me in the hospital for a few hours last night to be monitored and tested for few things. The outcome is PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension/ preeclampsia...sounds much worse than it is).
So right now i am breaking the rules because i was put on strict bed-rest by the doc. I am allowed to "sit up" to eat, get up to pee and get up for a "brief" shower. Other than that, i am bed-ridden to my left side. BORING. Sitting up fills like heaven right now.
Anywho, if any of ya'll feel like playing games or chatting, come to visit. I have an appt first thing monday morning. Lets hope for some change because i don't know if i can do this for 2 1/2 more weeks.
I am catching up on reading...if any of you have some good reads, fill me in! Ill keep you updated and until then, ill be stuck on my left side.