Thursday, June 25, 2009

wasatch back

This year, our wasatch back team had a super awesome inspiration by the name of Stephanie Nielson. RUN for NIE was our team name and we ran with pride. When i felt like i couldn't go anymore, i thought of her. When my body ached and i didn't want to run anymore, i did for her. And you know what, she ran too...across the finish line... with the team! What a trooper for being there in the rain to cheer us on, feed us cupcakes, eat dinner with us and give us encouraging words! Our team definately had more "umph" in us to keep on runnin....and that is just what we did...for 2 days straight on 2 hours of sleep! cant wait till next year! Thanks team!
2 hours of sleep..literally. ready to attack my big hill at 6am. Lovely right?
Mom looking HOT in her reflective vest with matching head lamp.
Pops lookin like a true iron-man with a bonus smile!
Just a little wasatch back fun at our exchange.
We had a super fun time this year and a few tummy aches also. I literally can't wait until next year. I love this race and loved training for it too.
So when is our pizza party reunion team?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Jones Griffin- 5lbs 13oz
Maggie Lou- 4lbs 14oz
so cute right?

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15th

A great day for sister to have her twinners. Im so stinkin excited i can't handle it.
Have i told you she is the best mother ive ever seen
Did i also tell you she has 3 other little ones whom i consider my own
Oh and did i mention that she is going to a mother of 5 in a few hours?
She is superwoman and i love her.
Yeah for babies!

Friday, June 5, 2009

bad luck

Does anyone ever have a huge spell of bad luck?? Well let me demonstate...
Within the past month here is a list of what has broken-
vacuum, computer, ipod, water heater, lawn mower, sprinkler and blinds.
Seriously, all in ONE month.
We are officially not going to disneyland this fall anymore. dang.
despite our bad luck, we have decided to just party. Afterall, it is summer.
Neighborhood parties have been a hit,
Owens graduation brought a small tear of proudness to my eye,
training for the wasatch back has been a pleassure as well as super invigorating and i haven't encountered any more mean dogs.
Sprinklers (the new ones) on the tramp and "mary pop-its"(as owen calls know, those pop its you through on the ground during 4th of july time) have been an everyday activity. Playdates at the park with cousins and friends make me forget my problems
and temple trips with my cute young women humble me.
life is good folks, even with all the bad luck.