Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New room

Recently, we decided to put the boys together in a room. I mean, come on...what 1 year old needs their own room anyway right? And NO, this DOES NOT mean i am preggo and making room for nursery. No thanks. Actually, i was in desperate need of a toy room....i can keep it messy, shut the door and feel good that all the boys toys are in one room and destruction can happen in their. Good times. They like sharing a room and Owen can't wait to get bunk beds once Reg is old enough. anywho, here is their new awesome...GREEN room.
Reg man's sanctuary...and my favorite part of the room...the green storage boxes that are the boys treasure boxes. blessing outfits, feet print, growing charts all go in there. precious.
Owens bed...and reg pretending to be big enough to sleep there.


The "O" Clan said...

Love it! Good eye for design, girl!

Steph said...

how fun for the boys to be together - i can't wait til we have little buddies to play! Ok maybe i can! i love just having all my time for 1 right now - but it looks awesome and great idea with the treasure boxes!

fREnCh TrOSt said...

So cute Lindsey! I am so tempted to put my girls in the same room just so I can do recreate a little girl room! I'm gonna do it soon! And not because I'm prego either :) I know what you mean about needing a little break from being a baby machine.

Kara said...

SOOO Cute Linds! I love it! You are amazing!

Katie said...

SO cute Linds. I love all the wall art. We are moving to a new place and I am super excited to redecorate Izzy's room. I really like your O and R wall